- Previous College Sports Played:
- Track & Field, Cross Country
Ed graduated from Missouri Valley College in 1961, earning letters in Track and Field, and Cross Country all four-years. Ed served as student manager and trainer for the Vikings 1958, 1959, and 1960 football teams. Ed was a key organizer and participant in the first torch runs in 1958 (for homecoming and to Orlando, FL for the Tangerine Bowl). As a Missouri Valley College student, Ed was Vice-President of the Student Body, Vice-President of the V-Club, President of the Independent Men’s Organizations, President of the Senior Class, and a member of Who’s Who in America’s Colleges and Universities.
As a faculty member, Ed has served Missouri Valley College in the capacities of Assistant Football Coach, Head Track and Field Coach, Head Cross Country Coach, and official scorer for men’s basketball for 28 years, Mathematics Professor, Director of Computing Services, and continues to be an active supporter of Missouri Valley College athletics and campus activities. In 1970, Ed rekindled the torch marathon run which has become an ongoing homecoming tradition every year since. In 1981, Ed was honored as an Outstanding Alumnus of Missouri Valley College and in 1993 received the John McCallum Excellence in Teaching Award.
In 1979, Ed left Missouri Valley College to work in the computing industry, but returned to Valley in 1987 and plans to stay “as long as I feel that I can continue to make significant contributions to Valley and its students.” Ed and wife Wendy (also a Missouri Valley College graduate and faculty member) are the parents of three daughters. Ed also has three other children from an earlier marriage who presently reside in Texas, Florida, and Colorado.